TELL provides electronic portfolios (E-portfolios) using the City & Guilds Learning Assistant website to ensure that candidates have the most efficient and effective programme of assessment as you work towards your qualification. E-portfolios have the following benefits for the user:
• Instant access to portfolio wherever there is an internet availability, at any time
• Ongoing communication with Assessor in a secure environment
• Build your own evidence folder
• Holistic cross reference using evidence wizard
• Loads of information on line
• No heavy folders to carry about
Learning Assistant enhances the vocational process, improving the learning experience by allowing you to upload and build a portfolio of evidence and provides a support base through the Contact Diary between the candidate and their appointed Assessor. It allows candidates to easily see an overview of their progress and candidates can easily see any tasks related to their course.
With Learning Assistant, your Assessor can easily track the work you submit and return it with comments or suggestions for improvement as well as setting goals and targets.
Learning Assistant also allows employers restricted access via a personalised log in to monitor a candidate’s progress.
An overview of Learning Assistant can be viewed below: