Short Courses

Short – Sharp – Snappy

TELL’s Short Courses are designed to pack a lot of knowledge into just one or two days.

Developed and presented by industry professionals who draw not only on best-practices from around the country, but their own real-life experiences, these education courses present essential skills and topics in an easily digestible form.

Ideal to stay up to date with regulations and legislation, update your skills or learn the foundations.  These courses offer a practical, interactive way to learn new skills and then apply them.

Please note that our courses may be approved for ITA funding

How to Book

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01389 726555

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Health & Social Care

Care Planning and Record Keeping - Duration 1 Day

To provide participants with a working knowledge of the principles of Effective Care planning, and to explore the skills involved in effective recording and report writing, and relate these to the participants’ own working environments.

Participants should bring with them an example of their company’s Care Plan if available

This course explains the purposes and principles of Care Planning, the links between Care Planning and Key Working, and the importance of evaluating the effectiveness of the care plan.

Participants on this course will explore the skills involved in writing effective records and reports. The course will aim to develop the skills of the participants, and enhance their confidence in structuring and writing these forms of communication, so that others can understand them.

Having completed the course participants will:


  • Understand the purpose of Care Planning and its importance as an effective and necessary working tool.
  • Be able to compile a Care Plan using their own styles and methods of expression, and record ongoing information in a way that is manageable and makes sense to others.
  • Identify their own role in this process.
  • Recall the four main principles of the Care Planning process, and the elements involved in structuring, evaluating records and reports.
  • Demonstrate their ability to interpret a care plan, and understand the role and purpose of basic recording and report writing as a means of communication.
  • Be aware of the relevant legislation relating to Care Planning and Record Keeping.


Assessment & Certification:
Ongoing throughout the day with course participation and role play, and by compiling an appropriate Care Plan. Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance on successful completion of the course.



1 Day

Caring for our Customers in Care - Duration 1 Day

To take those in the front line or preparing to work in the service industry through the key customer care skills and to understand how to competently handle complaints, difficult customers and to how to identify how important each delegates role is in developing excellent customer satisfaction.


What is Customer Care?

  • Why bother with customer service?
  • Why does customer care happen?

Customer Care Skills

  • Attitude and behaviour
  • Appearance
  • Body language
  • Eyes, ears and mouth
  • Stroking and pacing
  • Assertiveness
  • Product service and quality

Communicating with and Serving your Customers

  • Warm, friendly, professional service
  • Disability awareness

Delegates will be able to:


  1. State the importance of good customer care in their daily contact with customers.
  2. Demonstrate the use of their customer care skills.
  3. Help to increase customer satisfaction within their business by adopting an action learned approach when dealing with difficult customers.
  4. Identify their role in the team and accept responsibility for the actions of other team members.


Assessment & Certification:

Internal company assessment and certification



1 Day

Delivering Personal Client Care - Duration 1/2 Day


To provide basic knowledge of the elements of Client Personal Care, and deliver an introduction to the skills involved in providing this.

The course will cover the areas of client hygiene, toileting, and basic observations, making beds, the use of bed aids, and the function of mobility and nutrition in delivering effective personal care.


Having completed the course, participants will be able to:


  • Give assistance in carrying out personal hygiene tasks and grooming.
  • Explain how they can help deal with incontinence and give help with toileting using various equipment e.g. bed pans urinal, commode etc.
  • List the principles involved in bed making and the various comfort aids available.
  • Describe how basic observations are carried out, e.g. temperature, pulse, and respiration etc.
  • Recognise the importance of mobility and how this can be encouraged.
  • List the main requirements for nutrition for older people.

Assessment & Certification:
Ongoing throughout the day with course participation and role play. Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance, on successful completion of the course




Dementia Care - Duration 1 Day

To provide staff working with people with dementia with the understanding and skills necessary to provide excellent person centred care.

The course will explore and extend participants’ knowledge of:


  • The dementias- what are they?
  • Psychological and social impact of a diagnosis of dementia
  • Person centred care
  • Effective communication
  • Challenging behaviour
  • Life story work


Having completed the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the different common forms of dementia
  2. Demonstrate confidence, expertise and sensitivity in the management of challenging behaviours and assess possible causes and responses to these behaviours
  3. Evaluate how attitudes, behaviours and the environment can influence the response of the person with dementia
  4. Evaluate issues relating to providing good quality of care for people with dementia and their carers
  5. Discuss the nature of the person centred approach to care.

Assessment & Certification:

Assessments throughout the day, participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance, on successful completion of the course.



1 Day

Infection Control (incorporating Catheter and Stoma Care) - Duration 1/2 Day

To provide comprehensive information about the care of Catheters and Stomas; and infection control in the care setting.

The Course will explore and extend participants’ knowledge of:

  • Reasons for Catheterisation/Stoma – (male & female)
  • Psychological and social impact of catheters and stomas
  • Types of catheters/drainage systems/stoma bags
  • Routine care of catheter/drainage systems/stoma sites
  • Identification of potential problems
  • Standard precautions
  • Prevention of infection
  • Standard and transmission based precautions
  • Hand hygiene
  • The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?
  • MRSA and Clostridium difficile

Having completed the course, participants will:


  1. Have a basic understanding of how and why patients are catheterised or require stomas.
  2. Be able to recognise everyday causes of catheter blockage, and carry out basic troubleshooting in relation to stomas and catheters.
  3. Understand the risks regarding infection control and how to use the NICE guidelines in practice.
  4. Have a broader knowledge of different catheter and stoma appliances available.
  5. Appreciate the importance of Standard Infection Control Practices.


Assessment & Certification:
Ongoing throughout the day with course participation, practical demonstrations and role-play.


½ Day

Medication and the Elderly - Duration 1/2 Day

To provide comprehensive information for carers in the community about medication and the elderly, to ensure safe practice, and to raise awareness and understanding of the common types of medication.

This course will explore and extend participants’ knowledge of Medication of the Elderly in a care setting, and will include:


  • Legislation
  • Individual responsibilities
  • Groups of medication, and their possible side effects
  • Methods of administration of medication
  • Participants will explore their role in these areas

Having completed the course participants will:


  1. Have identified common medication and adverse effects.
  2. Have identified drug interaction and their effect.
  3. Be able to explain the importance of effective drug administration in the work setting, and their role in that.
  4. Be able to list the key points of drug administration and the systems available.
  5. Have an understanding of professional accountability for medication and legal issues.


Assessment & Certification:
Ongoing throughout the day with course participation and role play and assessment exercise. Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance, on successful completion of the course.



½ Day

Moving and Assisting 2 Day & Refresher - Duration 2 Days - 1 Day refresher

To reduce the risk to the clients and staff members through developing efficient moving and handling skills.

The course explores and extends participants’ knowledge and experience of efficient moving and assisting and handling techniques. Content also includes: the law and controversial practice, individual responsibilities, conditioning exercises, patterning movements, moves relevant to the participant’s workplace, and care planning (including moving and handling plans). Participants will explore their own capability and the use of equipment, and will have ample opportunity to develop and improve their technique.

Having completed the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Recognise safe, efficient moving and assisting techniques and be aware of unsafe, inefficient practices.
  2. Explain the importance of Risk Assessment.
  3. Devise or interpret a Moving & Handling Plan.
  4. Understand the legal implications for staff in practice.
  5. Practice the safe use of moving and assisting techniques and equipment.

Assessment & Certification:
Ongoing throughout the day with course participation, role-play and written assessment. For certification of this course, participants require to demonstrate their knowledge and practical skills in the safe use of Moving & Assisting equipment.


2 Days 

1 Day for Refresher

Protection of Vulnerable Adults - Duration 1 Day

To provide comprehensive information, and to improve awareness on how carers can ensure that the vulnerable service users they support, are protected from harm or exploitation.

This course will explore and extend participants’ knowledge of:


  • Who is vulnerable?
  • Who might abuse vulnerable adults?
  • Why does abuse happen?
  • How to recognise the indicators of potential abuse
  • The role and responsibilities of the carer
  • The law relating to the protection of vulnerable adults
  • Support for carers who report abuse


Having completed the course, participants will:


  1. Have a better understanding of protecting vulnerable individuals in their care, from harm or exploitation.
  2. Be able to recognise the indicators of potential abuse.
  3. Be able to explain the structure for whistle blowing where deemed necessary, the Protection of Vulnerable Adults Legislation in relation to National Care Standards, and The Scottish Social Services Council Codes of Practice.
  4. Be more aware of their role and responsibility within the care setting, and the consequences of not reporting abuse.
  5. Appreciate the importance of identifying and reporting potential, actual, or clients’ disclosure of abuse.

Ongoing throughout day with course participation, group discussion and exercises, based on articles and reports on abuse.

Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance, on successful completion of the course.


1 Day

Skills for Adult Care - Duration 3 Days

To provide comprehensive information about the practical skills and knowledge required to provide a professional and effective service in the adult care sector.

This course will enable participants to develop practical skills and knowledge required to provide effective and professional care services. This course is specifically aimed at those working or wishing to work in home care, residential or nursing homes. The course consists of a choice of up to 4 modules from the below list:

Caring for our Customers in Care
Infection Control (incorporating Catheter and Stoma Care)
Identifying Hazards in Adult Care
Protection of Vulnerable Adults

Health & Safety

Moving and Handling

Moving and Handling Refresher

Food Hygiene

Dependant on courses chosen, participants will be able to:

Learning the main reasons for customer service in the care sector.
Understanding the expectations of ALL your customers – what does excellent care look like to service users, family, colleagues, etc?
Communicating with customers face to face – the presence, the rapport!
Learning how to be confident and approachable, and staying positive.
Measuring customer satisfaction – what does GREAT look like?
Adding value and getting the basics right, other support services available.
Reasons for Catheterisation/ Stoma – (male & female)
Psychological and social impact of catheters and stomas
Types of catheters/drainage systems/stoma bags
Routine care of catheter/drainage systems/stoma sites
Identification of potential problems
Standard and transmission based precautions
Hand hygiene
The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Hazards and hazard analysis
Identifying hazards in adult care setting
Controlling potential hazards
Effective monitoring techniques

Assessment & Certification
Ongoing throughout the programme with course participation, practical demonstrations, assessment exercises

and role-play. Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance, on successful completion of the course.



3 Days

Short CoursesHealth Care Courses