Workplace Assessed Core Skills

Workplace Assessed Core Skills for Modern Apprenticeships

Workplace Assessed Core Skills allow candidates to be assessed in the workplace against the Core Skills standards. There are five Core Skills, made up of the skills most needed in many work environments as most jobs require some level of ability in some or all of these skills and they are a component of Modern Apprenticeships in Scotland. Each Core Skill is available at Levels 2 to 6 and the Modern Apprenticeship framework dictates which skill and level is required against each qualification.


Communication skills underpin personal, social, learning, and working activities. They are essential in clarifying one’s own thoughts, in interacting and conversing with others, in expressing thoughts and in conveying information, feeling and opinions.


    • Oral Communication
    • Written Communication


Numeracy skills are necessary for coping with the demands of everyday life. People need to be comfortable with numbers, graphs, symbols, diagrams and calculators.


    • Using Number
    • Using Graphical Information

Information and Communication Technology:

Information and Communication Technology focuses on the ability to use IT in ways that are useful in work and the home. It is not about developing IT specialists.


    • Accessing Information
    • Providing / Creating Information

Working with Others:

Working with Others develops the skills needed to co-operate with others in learning and working situations to identify and achieve shared goals.


    • Working co-operatively with Others
    • Reviewing co-operative Contribution

Problem Solving:

Problem Solving develops the skills needed for tackling issues and problems in personal, social, vocational and occupational contexts.


    • Critical Thinking
    • Planning and Organising
    • Reviewing and Evaluating


Further information can be found under the following link:

Modern ApprenticeshipsCore Skills