Aeronautical Engineering

Engineering covers a wide range of sectors and activities, and is a fast moving and diverse industry with many occupational routes including a significant number of roles at Technician level, Foundation Apprenticeships, Modern Apprenticeships and Graduate level Apprenticeships can be supportive in meeting the needs of the sector in many areas of engineering skills requirements.

The Level 3 qualification is work based but candidates are required to attend college to complete an NC or HNC and this can take between 12 and 24 months depending on the chosen route.   The qualification structure requires the learner to complete common mandatory units within their chosen pathway followed by a number of optional units from a provided selection but additional units can be taken to meet a business’s needs. There are 6 separate pathways under this framework.   The first 4 mandatory units apply to each pathway as listed below:

Full details of the qualification can be found on the SQA or EAL Website as appropriate using the following link :

Full details of the Modern Apprenticeship framework can be found on the Skills Development Scotland Website using this link :

Qualification Modern Apprenticeship
Awards Body EAL
SVQ Level 3
SCQF Level 6
Course Code GL3L 23
Mandatory Units

All 4 mandatory assessment routes must be completed

SAEE3/001A Complying with statutory regulations and organisational safety requirements
SAEE3/002A Using and interpreting engineering data and documentation
SAEE3/003A Working efficiently and effectively in engineering
SAEE3/004A Reinstating the work area on completion of activities
Optional Units

Pathway 1 – Aircraft Manufacture Mechanical SAEEA

Learners must complete a further 4 optional assessment routes (a total of 8 units) for this pathway 

Group B : Four optional assessment routes must be completed

SAEE3/005A Marking out composite and/or metallic aircraft components
SAEE3/008A Installing aircraft mechanical fasteners into composite and/or metallic components
SAEE3/010A Producing composite and/or metallic aircraft sub-assemblies
SAEE3/011A Producing composite and/or metallic aircraft major assemblies
SAEE3/013A Repairing airframes and structures
SAEE3/026A Producing aircraft composite assemblies
SAEE3/039A Drilling and finishing holes in composite and/or metallic aircraft structures or components
SAEE3/093A Applying finishes to composite mouldings
SAEE3/202A Producing composite mouldings using pre-reg laminating techniques
SAEE3/203A Producing composite mouldings using wet lay up laminating techniques
SAEE3/204A Producing composite mouldings using resin flow infusion techniques
SAEE3/205A Trimming composite mouldings using hand tools
SAEE3/206A Identifying defects in composite mouldings
SAEE3/207A Repairing composite mouldings
SAEE3/208A Bonding composite mouldings
SAEE3/350A Producing composite mouldings using resin film infusion techniques
SAEE3/351A Using curing and consolidation equipment for composite mouldings
SAEE3/352A Producing composite assemblies
SAEE3/353A Installing composite mouldings


Pathway 2 – Aircraft Power Pant SAEEB

Learners must complete a further 2 optional assessment routes from Group B (total of 6 units) 

Group B : One optional assessment route must be completed

SAEE3/031A Producing aircraft engine compressor assemblies
SAEE3/032A Producing aircraft engine combustion assemblies
SAEE3/033A Producing aircraft engine turbine assemblies
SAEE3/034A Producing aircraft engine gearbox assemblies
SAEE3/036A Producing aircraft engine major assemblies
SAEE3/037A Dressing aircraft engines
SAEE3/354A Repairing and modifying mechanical assemblies
SAEE3/161A Carrying out test bed runs on aircraft engines (uninstalled)
SAEE3/162A Overhauling aircraft gas turbine engines by module replacement
SAEE3/163A Overhauling aircraft gas turbine engine compressor assemblies
SAEE3/164A Overhauling aircraft gas turbine engine combustion assemblies
SAEE3/165A Overhauling aircraft gas turbine engine turbine assemblies
SAEE3/166A Overhauling aircraft gas turbine engine gearbox assemblies
SAEE3/212A Dismantling aircraft gas turbine engines to module/unit level
SAEE3/213A Rebuilding aircraft gas turbine engine assemblies after overhaul


Pathway 3 – Aircraft Maintenance SAEEC

Learners must complete a further 6 optional assessment routes, 2 optional assessment routes from Group A and 4 optional assessment routes from Group B (a total of 10 units) 

Group A : Two optional assessment routes must be completed

SAEE3/120A Carrying out fault diagnosis on aircraft avionics components or systems
SAEE3/121A Undertaking scheduled maintenance of aircraft avionics equipment/systems
SAEE3/141A Carrying out fault diagnosis on aircraft airframe, mechanical components and systems
SAEE3/142A Undertaking scheduled maintenance of aircraft airframe and mechanical equipment
SAEE3/301A Lifting and trestling/shoring aircraft for maintenance/repair operations
SAEE3/302A Levelling and weighing aircraft
SAEE3/303A Towing, marshalling and parking aircraft
SAEE3/304A Carrying out flight servicing and routine maintenance of aircraft


Group B : Four optional assessment routes must be completed

SAEE3/013A Repairing airframes and structures
SAEE3/126A Removing and replacing components of aircraft communication systems
SAEE3/131A Removing and replacing components of aircraft internal and external lighting systems
SAEE3/135A Carrying out tests on aircraft pilot static systems
SAEE3/140A Carrying out tests on aircraft flight guidance and control systems
SAEE3/143A Removing and replacing aircraft power plant and components
SAEE3/145A Removing and replacing components of aircraft fuel and lubrication systems
SAEE3/146A Removing and replacing components of aircraft hydraulic systems
SAEE3/148A Removing and replacing components of aircraft environmental systems
SAEE3/149A Removing and replacing components of aircraft power transmission systems
SAEE3/153A Carrying out tests on aircraft engines and systems
SAEE3/154A Carrying out tests on aircraft control systems
SAEE3/155A Carrying out tests on aircraft fuel and storage systems
SAEE3/156A Carrying out tests on aircraft hydraulic systems
SAEE3/158A Carrying out tests on aircraft environmental systems
SAEE3/159A Carrying out tests on aircraft power transmission systems
SAEE3/161A Carrying out test bed runs on aircraft engines (uninstalled)
SAEE3/308A Maintaining electrical power systems on aircraft
SAEE3/311A Maintaining flight control systems on aircraft
SAEE3/314A Maintaining ice and rain protection systems on aircraft
SAEE3/331A Maintaining propeller/propulsor systems on aircraft
SAEE3/337A Maintaining turbine engines on aircraft
Workplace Core Skills
F427 04 Communication at Level 5
F42B 04 Numeracy Level 5
F42F 04 Information and Communication Technology Level 5
F42K 04 Problem Solving Level 5
F42P 04 Working with Others Level 5
Restricted Combinations
Modern Apprenticeship in Engineering EAL SVQ3 Aeronautical Engineering SCQF Level 6 (GL3L 23)